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Una simulazione gestionale della corsa
verso la Luna degli anni '50-'60
per lo ZX Spectrum 48K e 128K

A management simulation of the
race to the Moon of the 1950-1960s
for the 48K and 128K ZX Spectrum

Una simulación gestional de la
carrera hacia la Luna de los años 50-60
para ZX Spectrum 48K y 128K

*** ITALIANO ***

"La Terra è la culla dell'umanità, ma l'umanità non può restare nella culla per sempre"
Konstantin Eduardovic Tsiolkovskij (1857-1935)

In AD LUNAM e AD LUNAM PLUS siete al comando del programma spaziale degli Stati Uniti o dell’Unione Sovietica. È la primavera del 1956. Il vostro obiettivo è di mandare una squadra del vostro paese sulla Luna e farla tornare sana e salva entro vent’anni. Dovrete costruire equipaggiamenti, veicoli e strutture, reclutare ed addestrare dei piloti, e condurre missioni via via sempre più complesse e difficili, senza trascurare di tenere d'occhio i vostri avversari.

AD LUNAM è il gioco base, solo testuale, per lo ZX Spectrum 48K, mentre AD LUNAM PLUS ne è la versione riveduta e ampliata per il 128K, con grafica e sonoro.

Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni sulla realizzazione dei due giochi nelle edizioni 2020 e 2021 dello Al's Spectrum Annual, scaricabile gratuitamente da qui.

Per coloro che vogliono "curiosare" nei giochi, sono disponibili i codici sorgente da assemblare con ZX-Basic (usate la versione citata nel manuale).

*** ENGLISH ***

"Earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind cannot remain in the cradle forever"
Konstantin Eduardovic Tsiolkovskij (1857-1935)

In AD LUNAM and AD LUNAM PLUS you are in command of the space program of the United States or the Soviet Union. It is the spring of 1956. Your goal is to send a crew from your country to the Moon and return them safely. You have twenty years time to achieve this. You will have to build equipment, vehicles and structures, recruit and train pilots, and carry out increasingly complex and difficult missions, while constantly keeping an eye on your opponents.

AD LUNAM is the basic, text-only game for the ZX Spectrum 48K, while AD LUNAM PLUS is the revised and expanded version for the 128K, with graphics and sound.

You can find more information about the making of the two games in the 2020 and 2021 editions of the Al's Spectrum Annual, downloadable for free from here.

For those who wish to "peek" into the games, source codes for both of them are available, to be assembled with ZX-Basic (please use the version mentioned in the manual).

*** ESPAÑOL ***

"La Tierra es la cuna de la humanidad, pero la humanidad no puede permanecer en la cuna para siempre"
Konstantin Eduardovic Tsiolkovskij (1857-1935)

En AD LUNAM y AD LUNAM PLUS estás al mando del programa espacial de los Estados Unidos o la Unión Soviética. Es la primavera de 1956. Tu objetivo es enviar un equipo de su país a la luna y devolverlos sanos y salvos dentro de veinte años. Tendrás que construir equipos, vehículos y estructuras, reclutar y entrenar pilotos, y realizar misiones cada vez más complejas y difíciles, sin dejar de vigilar a tus oponentes.

AD LUNAM es el juego básico de solo texto para ZX Spectrum 48K, mientras que AD LUNAM PLUS es la versión revisada y ampliada para 128K, con gráficos y sonido.

Puedes encontrar más información sobre la creación de los dos juegos en las ediciones 2020 y 2021 de Al's Spectrum Annual, descargable gratuitamente desde aquí.

Para aquellos que quieran "curiosear" en los juegos, los códigos fuente están disponibles para ensamblar con ZX-Basic (use la versión mencionada en el manual).

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Strategy
Tags8-Bit, Historical, Management, Retro, Space, Turn-based, ZX Spectrum


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

AdLunamCollection-EN.zip 3.2 MB
AdLunamCollection-ES.zip 3.5 MB
AdLunamCollection-IT.zip 3.4 MB
AdLunam-SRC.zip 124 kB
AdLunamPlus-SRC.zip 241 kB

Development log


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Truly amazing game! I thoroughly enjoyed it and spent many hours playing together with my son. Well done guys! Any plans for further advancements? (e.g missions to Venus, Mars etc?)

(1 edit)

Hi dim zed! Thanks a lot, I am so glad you both enjoyed the game. Further enhancements would require putting my hands back into the source code, and honestly I do not feel like retouching it very much. It would be better to create a new game from scratch, like a sort of stand-alone expansion.

Besides, there is another title I started working at until about a year ago, La Pucelle, but due to lack of time, more pressing matters to cope with etc. I kept it "frozen", waiting for better times. That's life, alas :-/ Should you wish to know more, you can read the preview article and watch a demo video on this page:


An excellent game, it basically feels like a 80ies version of Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager. Very unique and clever and a masterpiece of programming. It has a lasting place in my collection. Can't wait for your next projects!

Hi Athanasius, thank you so much for appreciating the collection. In fact it was the attempt to bring the Liftoff! board game to the Spectrum, looking at BARIS - which was made by the same author, by the way - as an inspiration. I am glad that it was so well received. I hope that the sources will inspire other authors to create other games of this kind, we need more of them!