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Un gioco per lo ZX SPECTRUM 48K
A game for the 48K ZX SPECTRUM
Un juego para ZX SPECTRUM 48K

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*** ITALIANO ***

Italia centrale, aprile 1944. La penisola è divisa in due dalla linea Gustav. A nord di essa, gli occupanti tedeschi si oppongono agli Alleati e devono fronteggiare gli attacchi dei partigiani. Tu sei un membro delle forze speciali dell'Esercito cobelligerante italiano e sei stato scelto per una rischiosa missione che potrebbe cambiare il corso della Campagna d'Italia.

ITALIA 1944 è un misto di gioco di ruolo e avventura testuale in due parti, completamente controllato da icone.

Nella prima parte dovrai far saltare in aria tre batterie antiaeree Flak e trovare i partigiani, che ti aiuteranno ad avanzare verso il villaggio dove si trova il QG nemico.

Nella seconda dovrai infiltrarti nel QG, fotografare i piani delle difese tedesche nella zona e fuggire senza farti scoprire.

Buona fortuna!

*** ENGLISH ***

Central Italy, April 1944. The peninsula is divided in two by the Gustav Line. To the north of it, the German occupiers fight against the Allies and have to face the partisans' attacks. You are a member of the special forces of the Italian Co-belligerent Army and have been chosen for a risky mission that could change the course of the Italian Campaign.

ITALIA 1944 is a two-part, fully icon-controlled mix of role-playing and text adventure.

In the first part you will have to blow up three Flak anti-aircraft batteries and find the partisans, who will help you advance towards the village where the enemy HQ is located.

In the second, you will have to infiltrate the HQ, photograph the plans of the German defenses in the area and escape undetected.

Good luck!

*** ESPAÑOL ***

Italia central, abril de 1944. La península está dividida en dos por la Línea Gustav. Al norte de ella, los ocupantes alemanes se oponen a los aliados y deben hacer frente a los ataques de los partisanos. Eres miembro de las fuerzas especiales del Ejército cobeligerante italiano y has sido elegido para una misión arriesgada que podría cambiar el curso de la Campaña de Italia.

ITALIA 1944 es una mezcla de juego de rol y conversacional en dos partes, totalmente controlada por iconos.

En la primera parte tendrás que hacer explotar tres baterías antiaéreas Flak y encontrar a los partisanos, que te ayudarán a avanzar hacia la aldea donde se encuentra el cuartel general enemigo.

En la segunda, tendrás que infiltrarte en el cuartel general, fotografiar los planos de las defensas alemanas en la zona y escapar sin ser detectado.

¡Buena suerte!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Italia 1944 - IT.zip 2.6 MB
Italia 1944 - EN.zip 2.5 MB
Italia 1944 - DE.zip 2.6 MB
Italia 1944 - ES.zip 2.6 MB
Italia 1944 - PT.zip 2.6 MB
Italia 1944 - RU.zip 3 MB

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Interesting, might look...


I hope you like the game then! :-)


Great job Alessandro. Excellent game, no doubt, and GOTY awards supports that idea. Regards.

Thank you so much!

Dear Alessandro the game doesn´t run a key is hit. it couldn´t select the difficulty level. what keys have to be pressed ?

Hi, as per the instructions, you have to press 1 and 2 to move the cursor horizontally, then 0 to choose your option.

Please note that keeping the keys pressed does not repeat their input, you have to push them repeatedly. If you load the joystick file, you can keep the lever left or right to move the cursor instead.

Hope that helps.

in first mission when I reach the village after destroying all the artillery installations, I meet a message that I have to destroy them all before entering. Could they recover while I was walking?

No, you should be able to enter the village after you destroy all of the Flak. Remember that to destroy them you must select the Attack icon while standing in their sector, after eliminating the artillery squad of course. Which version are you playing? Can you send a snapshot at zanklesoft (at) gmail (dot) com ?

maybe because it was only demo version on ZX Online Awards 2022 now it's not awailable there.

Hi! I think its a little bit strange when you meet any solders and they didn't found you then if you do something in your bag or rest you will be attacked

Well, the enemy doesn't just stand still - if you don't attack him, he will find you and attack! ;-)

(1 edit)

Ok I see this is logical but time is not going:) Also I found that the control would be more convenient with the buttons "Z,X,M, space" Thanks! 

Great game, but I can't figure out how to blow up the anti-aircraft batteries... It says I have no explosives... Where player is supposed to get it?

Hi truf and thank you for purchasing the game and for asking.

As hinted in the manual, the explosives have landed not very far from your starting point. Search for them in the areas located north and south of that point. Please remember that their location, like that of the partisans, changes every time you start a new game.

Once you find the explosives, you will automatically pick them up. To destroy a FlaK, defeat the artillery squad, then select the Attack icon.

Hope that helps!

Thank you!

BTW, I have noticed that russian tape ver is crashing if one tries to examine the chest on a 2nd floor. Video recording: https://youtu.be/_3fw5qofpO4

Hope you could fix it in feature versions.

Hi, thank you for discovering this bug. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

Hi, the bug should now be fixed, please download the file again and tell me if everything works now

what's the length of the game ?

My own game testing and players feedback suggests that the first part can be solved between 40 and 60 minutes at normal difficulty level. As for the second part, depending on your ability to solve the puzzles, you could keep going at it for days, weeks, maybe more? :-)

(3 edits)

Wow, what an interesting and original game idea for the Speccy! I already greatly enjoyed your games, especially Apulija and the brillant Ad Lunam so I'll have to get Italia 1944. :)

edit: I love the manual, very well and professionally done and a pleasure to read! I really appreciate it when there is put so much care into creating a manual, reading it is part of the game experience and fun for me.

Hi Athanasius,

thank you very much for appreciating Italia 1944, and the other games as well. It is great to know that the care I put into making the game and documentation can be noticed and appreciated as you did.

There will be more reissues coming this year, so stay tuned! :-)

(1 edit)

That's great to hear! I'll be around. :)


La presentación, el manual en pdf y la ambientación del juego son perfectas y te mete de lleno en la acción. La dificultad es ajustable lo que ayuda, a los que no somos muy buenos en este tipo de juegos, a poder avanzar en la aventura. Sin duda un juego que merece la pena probar. 

Enhorabuena al autor.

Gracias Oscar! Me alegro que hayas disfrutado tanto del juego.